30-Minute Consultation


This consultation is geared to help us understand your vision. If you have a concept or design that you would like to discuss you can use this feature to receive a 30 minute-on-one through phone or video.



This consultation is geared to help us understand your vision. If you have a concept or design that you would like to discuss you can use this feature to receive a 30 minute-on-one through phone or video.

During this consultation we are able to:

-Discuss your unique idea

-Discuss the story behind the photo reference

-Choose a image that might fit best as a work of art

-Figure out if we are a good fit

After this package is purchased you will receive a email requesting a date and time within a 10 day time frame. The information discussed within this consultation will be saved within 30 days of project payment. If you are unable to move forward with the payment of the project discuss your information will be deleted.